Monday, September 7, 2009

Exercise 2

1. What information literacy skills ?.
:Information literacy skills are skills you will need through your life. We are always seeking information. What car or stereo should I buy? Which college should I choose? Which book should I read next? How can I sell this idea to my boss? How can I convince the school board to act on my proposal? Information helps us reach conclusions, make our choices, and communicate more effectively. But the good stuff is often buried in heaps of junk. We need to continue to improve our searching, evaluating and communication skills in a changing information environment.
2. What is SQRW ?
: SQRW is a strategy for talking notes and reading. SQRW stands for:

Survey is when you just look through a sheet of paper or a book quickly and find the main ideas of what it is all about. Read the title, summary, conclusion to get a better under standing of what it is about.

Always keep a question in mind it will help you to understand more about the thing that you are reading from for example if the title of a story is "Ways to hurt someone badly" use the words who, what, when, where, what to understand more.

Read the information on each heading to answer every questioned you asked yourself. While you are doing this activity you may need to change a question for it to be answered.

Write the answers and the questions into a notebook reread it to make sure that it is contains all the important things.
3. Use Big 6 skills(Step 1-6) of the topic you know best.
: - Step1 Define problems, information requirement.
Topic is Beauty
- Step 2 Info seeking strategies
- Beauty
- Searching on the Internet
- Step 3 Location and access
. Sources:
- Step 4 Use info.
- Step 5 Synthesis : Putting it all together
. Write about this topic by writing outline
. Internet
- Step 6 Evaluation
. Compare the best source of this topic.

1 comment:

  1. Did you try all these skills? not really easy... need to be trained a lot ^^
